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+ Branding

+ Website / Graphic Design

+ Social Media Management

+ Photography

+ Videography

Year: 2013-16




In April of 2013, I founded TheKhronox to the Showcase musicians, visual artists, clothing lines, etc. that I ran across locally and via the internet. For some THEKX was the first website to post their material.

Due to me being a very visual person, the website rarely had any touch of reviews and other forms of writing. After recruiting a few writers for the website in 2015, I began solely focusing on the artistic side of THEKX.


Monthly playlists featured independent and major label artists.

The PerspeKXtive : 99 Jams WJMI

The PerspeKXtive : 99 Jams WJMI

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THEKX had many YouTube segments that allowed viewers to get to know some of the familiar faces of the website. Along with videos came photos. Whenever I was able to do so, I often traveled to different events that showcased talents and captured the moments.


3rd Eye Music Festival - 2015

Hood Hippie  X Fondren First Thursday Collection - 2015

Jackson Annual Hip Hop Awards - 2016